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A Clear Path to Recovery & Sustainable Health.

You are often told that with chronic pain the only help available is medication and management.

We are here to tell you there is an alternative.

How do we move through Chronic Pain and Trauma in a way where we can completely let go of it?

How can we see the other side of that dark cloud of pain and feel the warmth of the sun on our faces again?

Join Dave and Alice, two seasoned holistic practitioners, as they explain how this is not only possible but attainable - for everyone!

This is where the journey begins, to understand how your nervous system and emotional world are directly linked to your experience of Chronic Pain and Trauma; and to guide you to the path of breaking free from that cycle!

We are offering these free webinars once a month.  Please click on the date that works best for you.  Space is limited so if one of the time slots is full, please see the other dates available.

With Love and Light

~Alice and Dave

October 7th, 2024

December 15th 2024

November 7th, 2024

January 22nd, 2025

© 2023 by Clear Path

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